What sharing Stripe accounts means?
If you have Stripe accounts connected to the add-on (via API key) to see and manage your customers payments and subscriptions, you have the possibility of sharing that connected accounts with collaborators that also have the add-on and granting the permissions you want.
Does Sharing Stripe accounts via add-on mean collaborators have access to the account in Stripe dashboard
No. The only way to interact with the shared Stripe account is through the add-on with the permissions the sharer grants.
What permissions can I grant when I share Stripe accounts?
There are three levels of permissions:
- See summary only [S]: You can only see the Total spent and active subscriptions for each customer.
- See payments & subscriptions [R]: You can see the summary and also a list of the last charges and refunds as well as active and canceled subscriptions for each customer.
- Modify payments & subscriptions [W]: You can also create charges and refunds, as well as create subscriptions and cancel them for each customer.
The name of the account will be preceded by the letter associated to the permission in order to easily identify what accounts are shared from the connected accounts list in add-on Settings.
How can I share a Stripe account?
In Settings, bellow Stripe section, there is a special section called “Shared selected Stripe accounts” to do it. The steps are the following:

- Check only the accounts you want to share in Stripe accounts list
- In the aforehead mentioned section enter the emails (comma separated) of the collaborators you want to share the accounts.
- Select the access permissions you want to grant
- Select an expiration for the shared accounts. This is the period of time the collaborator can access the shared account.
- Copy the sharing key to send to the collaborators (they will need it to connect the shared accounts).
- Set the period of time the collaborators can search for shared accounts.
- Press “START” to continue. From this moment, collaborators will be able to search for shared accounts.
The section will change while Searching for shared accounts is allowed and it will show the sharing settings and the collaborators emails pending of accepting the shared accounts. While connection time window doesn’t end, you can cancel the process by clicking on “Finish”.
How can I connect a shared Stripe account?

In Settings, at the bottom of Stripe section, there is a special section called “Connect shared Stripe accounts”. The steps are the following:
- Enter the sharer email
- Enter the sharing key
- Press “Search & Add Accounts” to continue.
Shared accounts that match the collaborator email will be added to the accounts list. The name of the account will be preceded by the letter associated to the permission in order to easily identify what accounts are shared from the connected accounts list in add-on Settings.
How can I stop sharing Stripe accounts?
There are two ways of cancelling the sharing of Stripe accounts.
- Method 1: Follow the procedure of Sharing selected Stripe accounts but you must select “Revoke permissions (no key needed)” in permissions or “Now (cancel sharing, key is no needed)” as expiration. After pressing “Start” and only during the time window, when a collaborator opens the add-on, the corresponding shared accounts will be disconnected automatically. Sharing key will not be used in this case.
- Method 2: Go to Stripe Dashboard API Keys section. In the menu of the key you used to connect the account, choose Delete key… or Roll key… to invalidate the API key and therefore all connections to the account from the add-ons. You will need to provide the new API key to connect it again in your add-on.
What are the requirements to share and connect shared Stripe accounts?
To share Stripe accounts you will need a subscription to Business plan.
To connect shared accounts you do not need a Business plan subscription, but you can connect just one shared Stripe account in Free version.
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